PANEL 1 Niles rushes over to Nash with a collection of books in his arms. Niles: Look, Nash, someone dropped off new books at our little free library! Nash: It’s working. We’re building a community! PANEL 2 They start to look through the books together. Nash: What’d we get? Niles: This one’s called Signs Your Little Free Library Sucks. Nash: Here’s one. It’s Problems With Your Little Free Library. PANEL 3 Nash looks at the other books in his arms. Nash: Actually, it’s a six-volume set. Niles puts his hand on his hip. Niles: Maybe I’ll publish a book called Stop Writing Books to Criticize My Little Free Library. PANEL 4 Niles deflates. Niles: Actually, that sounds like a lot of work. Nash: Yeah. Your critics are dedicated.

PANEL 1 Niles rushes over to Nash with a collection of books in his arms. Niles: Look, Nash, someone dropped off new books at our little free library! Nash: It’s working. We’re building a community! PANEL 2 They start to look through the books together. Nash: What’d we get? Niles: This one’s called Signs Your Little Free Library Sucks. Nash: Here’s one. It’s Problems With Your Little Free Library. PANEL 3 Nash looks at the other books in his arms. Nash: Actually, it’s a six-volume set. Niles puts his hand on his hip. Niles: Maybe I’ll publish a book called Stop Writing Books to Criticize My Little Free Library. PANEL 4 Niles deflates. Niles: Actually, that sounds like a lot of work. Nash: Yeah. Your critics are dedicated.