PANEL 1 Niles confronts Nash. Niles: Nash? Does this zoo have ghosts? Nash: What? Hah hah! Nonsense! What— What would make you say that? PANEL 2 Niles shakily points at two elephants covered in sheets. Elephants: Wooooooooo! Nash: Oh! That’s just the movie alarm. PANEL 3 Animals from around the zoo start to gather behind Nash. Nash: It’s movie night. We project the movie on the sheet. Niles: I guess better the elephant wearing a sheet than— Nash: It used to be a porcupine. PANEL 4 Nash grabs Niles, suddenly scared as well. Nash: But the porcupine pen is very, very haunted.

PANEL 1 Niles confronts Nash. Niles: Nash? Does this zoo have ghosts? Nash: What? Hah hah! Nonsense! What— What would make you say that? PANEL 2 Niles shakily points at two elephants covered in sheets. Elephants: Wooooooooo! Nash: Oh! That’s just the movie alarm. PANEL 3 Animals from around the zoo start to gather behind Nash. Nash: It’s movie night. We project the movie on the sheet. Niles: I guess better the elephant wearing a sheet than— Nash: It used to be a porcupine. PANEL 4 Nash grabs Niles, suddenly scared as well. Nash: But the porcupine pen is very, very haunted.