PANEL 1 Niles and Nash are surrounded by the books in Nash’s library. Niles: What if we built a little free library? Nash: That’s a great idea, Niles. We could leave our books for others to read and they could leave new books for us to read. PANEL 2 Niles and Nash each select a book from the pile. Niles: Okay, but not this one because I haven’t finished it. Nash: Not this one. It has a gravy stain in it I’m saving for later. PANEL 3 Niles holds up another book, embarrassed. Niles: Not this one. It’s got my name in it and I don’t want people to know I paid for it. Nash: Not this one. I use it to squash bugs. PANEL 4 Niles admits defeat. Niles: Maybe we’ll just put up a sign that says, “Give us books, please” Nash: Here, you can write it on these pages from the DaVinci Code.

PANEL 1 Niles and Nash are surrounded by the books in Nash’s library. Niles: What if we built a little free library? Nash: That’s a great idea, Niles. We could leave our books for others to read and they could leave new books for us to read. PANEL 2 Niles and Nash each select a book from the pile. Niles: Okay, but not this one because I haven’t finished it. Nash: Not this one. It has a gravy stain in it I’m saving for later. PANEL 3 Niles holds up another book, embarrassed. Niles: Not this one. It’s got my name in it and I don’t want people to know I paid for it. Nash: Not this one. I use it to squash bugs. PANEL 4 Niles admits defeat. Niles: Maybe we’ll just put up a sign that says, “Give us books, please” Nash: Here, you can write it on these pages from the DaVinci Code.

With Apologies to Dan Brown