PANEL 1 Niles gets his 3D glasses from an Overseer. Niles: Have they announced the winning movie? Nash: We’re going to watch Trek Wars: Galactic Adventure in the Stars. PANEL 2 Niles catches up with Nash. Niles: Hey, that was your choice! You won! Nash: I would hope so. I wrote it down fifty times! PANEL 3 Niles is upset by this revelation. Niles: You stuffed the ballot box? That’s cheating! Nash: We’ve watched We Bought a Zoo thirteen times. PANEL 4 Nash grabs Niles and threateningly pulls him close. Nash: YOU DO WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO.

PANEL 1 Niles gets his 3D glasses from an Overseer. Niles: Have they announced the winning movie? Nash: We’re going to watch Trek Wars: Galactic Adventure in the Stars. PANEL 2 Niles catches up with Nash. Niles: Hey, that was your choice! You won! Nash: I would hope so. I wrote it down fifty times! PANEL 3 Niles is upset by this revelation. Niles: You stuffed the ballot box? That’s cheating! Nash: We’ve watched We Bought a Zoo thirteen times. PANEL 4 Nash grabs Niles and threateningly pulls him close. Nash: YOU DO WHAT YOU HAVE TO DO.