Insta gratification

I didn’t have an Instagram account until we started posting Niles and Nash. This was mostly for two reasons: 1) I never remember to take pictures of my dinner, and I was told that’s what Instagram is mainly for, and 2) I don’t know what to call Instagram for short so I can sound cool. Like, say I took a sweet vid of my Lucky Charms. Do I Insta it? Do I ‘gram it? Do I IG it? Or are the cool kids using some new slang, like Cockney rhyming slang or something?

So I was really flying blind when I had had Nash go with “Insta.” Whatever the cool term is, it ain’t that one anymore. Also, in my headcanon, Niles is eating his words, which means that Nash is fine with posting it on Instagram.

Though I still might not know what it’s for.